Follow the Field Diary of the field season 2023-2024

Beyond EPICA returns to Antarctica!

The field camp at Little Dome C (LDC), established during the 2019-20 season, ready again to receive the people for the 2023-24 field campaign (November 2023-to-January 2024) for the third ice core drilling campaign.

An international team made up of 16 researchers and logistics has started the third deep drilling campaign for the European project Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice.

News from LDC - November 2023

"Dear Beyond EPICA Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share some updates from our recent activities in the field. Saverio, Andrea, along with Claudio, undertook a second trip to LDC and successfully established the camp after spending a few days there. Despite an initial delay, progress has been remarkable. The 35 km route from Concordia to LDC may be a bit rugged at present, but we anticipate improvements in due course.

Tomorrow, they will return to Concordia and, the day after, bring along the significant Beyond EPICA generators, some logistics and the remaining equipment.

Simultaneously, the Drilling/Science Team is set to fly to Concordia tomorrow. They are diligently inspecting the equipment at MZS and are brimming with excitement about heading to LDC at the earliest. Overall, things are shaping up quite well, and we remain optimistic about bridging the initial gap.

Best regards,


Field Diary Season 2023/24:

Nov Dec Jan

Gallery - Field Season 2023/24

Field Team - Season 2023/24