"Antartide, a bordo della nave Laura Bassi in viaggio verso l’Italia: il ghiaccio raccolto servirà a capire i cambiamenti climatici" in CorriereTV

"Scienza climatica Ue all'avanguardia col progetto Epica" in ItaliaOggi

"On the way to the oldest ice" in CORDIS


"קפסולת הזמן שמסתתרת בקרח של אנטארקטיקה | The time capsule hidden in the ice of Antarctica" in N12

"In Antartide alla ricerca del ghiaccio di 1,5 milioni di anni fa" in Focus

"Ice core drilling in Antarctica to discover environment evolution over the last 1,5 million years" in MercoPress

"Beyond EPICA: Erste Bohrkerne aus dem tiefen Eis der Antarktis gehoben" in Nachrichten

"Clima: al via perforazioni in Antartide, team del CNR studierà ghiaccio di 1,5 milioni di anni fa" in CorriereTV

"Uno scienziato italiano in Antartide per due mesi: 'A -35°C sveliamo i segreti del cambio climatico'" in La Repubblica


"Carlo Barbante: 'In Antartide la conferma del cambio climatico: ora la politica ascolterà la scienza'" in La Repubblica G&B

"Antartide: Beyond Epica alla ricerca del clima che fu" in Corriere Nazionale

"Antartide, alla scoperta del clima di 1,5 milioni di anni fa" in ANSA Scienza & Tecnologia

"Antarctica breakthrough as experts set to uncover 1.5 million-year-old discovery" in Express EU

"1.5 million-year-old Antarctic ice is helping scientists predict the future of climate change" on Euronews

"Beyond EPICA erforscht das Klima der Vergangenheit – erste Bohrungen beginnen" in Nachrichten

"Quest begins to drill Antarctica's oldest ice" on BBC News

"Antarktis: Bohrung nach dem ältesten Eis - Eis vom kältesten Ort der Erde soll 1,5 Millionen Jahre Klimageschichte enthüllen" in Scinexx


"Deep Antarctic drilling will reveal climate secrets trapped in 1.5 million year-old ice" in Horizon R&I Magazine

"En Antarctique, la course aux glaces les plus anciennes" in Le Monde


"A quest to drill the oldest ice core in Antarctica is beginning" in The Economist

"Scientists Drill For "Oldest Ice On Earth" To Unlock Mystery Of Ancient Earth's Changing Climate" on IFL Science

"The Oldest Ice on Earth May Be Hiding 1.5 Miles Beneath Antarctica" in Livescience

"Scientists Seek Clues To Climate Change Inside World's Oldest Ice" at NPR's Here & Now, radio interview

“Climate change: European team to drill for 'oldest ice' in Antarctica” on BBC news

"Locating the 'oldest ice' in Antarctica" on BBC News

"Site chosen to drill 'oldest ice'" on BBC News

"Antarctic mission launched with the aim to find the oldest ice" on Euronews

"'Oldest ice on Earth' extracted in bid to find climate secrets” on Sky News

“Scientists seek oldest ice on Earth to understand climate change” on Euronews

“Antarctica team to search world's oldest ice for climate change clues” in the NewScientist

"Partez sur les traces de la plus ancienne glace du monde en Antarctique" in Futura Planète

„Um Geheimnisse der Klimageschichte zu lüften, suchen Forscher das älteste Eis der Erde“ in Neue Züricher Zeitung

“In Antartide si prepara il nuovo archivio del clima” in ANSA Scienza&Tecnica

„A la caza del hielo más viejo de la Tierra“ in EL PAIS

„Suche nach dem ältesten Eis der Erde“ in Science ORF

„Forscher wollen 1,5 Millionen Jahre altes Eis finden“ in Spiegel online

„Ältester Eiskern für Klimaforschung gesucht“ im Geenpeace Magazin

"Forscher wollen 1,5 Millionen Jahre alten Eiskern bergen" auf NTV